Monday, December 15, 2008

Evanescent Thoughts…

Its night…1 o clock. Ravi is sound asleep. Somehow I am not able to drag myself to that peaceful dormancy. Ocean of thoughts churning in my mind to form a whirlpool and I easily admit to sink in it.
There are thoughts about me, about him, about us, families, dreams, wishes, ambitions, wanna do’s, wanna be’s and lot lot more.

This time, a very strange thought stuck my mind. I don’t know what it was, how it proceeded leading to another thought, yet another…forming a sequential chain tangling me from inside.
And then a realization…I wanna do things I used to do, I miss doing them, for a little while…I wanna be what I used to be, I wished a little space, space for my self. A little more pondering over it, then eventually my gaze shifted to Ravi.
From day 1 of our marriage, it has become my best pass-time.

I luv to watch him sleep, the tranquility on his face, that mild simper shown in the dim moonlight falling on his face, it seem to be the most exquisite sight for me.
All evanescent thoughts moving one by one, passing out of me, bidding me good bye, seeing me smile at the sight of Ravi.


Shona often says…u think a lot…its very bad habit…but then, m helpless in that :)…probably m suffering from the sickness of high EQ :P

1 comment:

  1. great thoughts & compilation... today I came to know tat I m too suffering frm the same sickness..


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